
SHADOWNUT Web Studio - Shopify Squarespace Development

“For the creative business owner who prefers custom over cookie-cutter.”

Yewande, Owner + Principal Developer

SHADOWNUT Web Studio - Yewande Konigbagbe

So far, 2023 has been a huge year for me and SHADOWNUT Web Studio. Personally, it marks 10 years since my first web development project. It also marks my first year as a freelancer supporting amazing creative business owners like yourself.

Whether you are a client, a partner, or a supporter, I thank you for being a part of my journey. Each one of you are truly an inspiration to me and your wins motivate me to keep going on this crazy chapter of my life.

What’s next??? The back-half of 2023 will include growing the SHADOWNUT team (introductions coming soon) and being intentional on marketing what the studio can do. We also plan on adding a couple new services. Our first key milestone has been the rebranding of shadownut.com. Check it out and let us know what you think.

This is our first official post into the blogosphere and we hope you choose to subscribe to our newsletter where you get the latest discounts, news, and tips a week before it hits the interwebs. That’s all for now and Thank You again!

…and receive $500 off your first project!


A 60-minute chat to discuss your goals
and how we can help you achieve them

If they choose to hire SHADOWNUT,
receive $750 off your next project

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Our Love/Hate Relationship with Instagram